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Enterpret gets a competitive edge by scaling globally with Rippling

Enterpret needed a global workforce management platform that’d support the company as it grew internationally. With Rippling, Enterpret saves time on HR and IT tasks while easily navigating the complexities of managing employees in multiple locations.


full-time IT headcount saved


employees and contractors







about the company

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Pain Points

Disconnected systems: Enterpret didn’t want to manage HR, IT, and payroll for employees and contractors across a hodgepodge of unintegrated platforms. 

Paperwork woes from global expansion: Enterpret expanded from India into the US and anticipated losing hours of time onboarding new global employees.

Administrative hurdles: As Enterpret scaled, its CEO worried manual HR and IT tasks would drain focus from building out its products. 

The Challenge

As Enterpret entered a new phase of growth, its CEO, Varun Sharma, didn’t want time-draining administrative tasks to drag his team down. 

“As a founder, you want to spend most of your time focused on your team, your customers, and building the product,” he said.

Varun was looking for an HRIS, mobile device management, and password management that would scale with the company—and he didn’t expect to find them in a single platform.

Varun evaluated HRIS and IT solutions in parallel and Rippling ended up on both shortlists. 

After doing some due diligence, Varun went all in on Rippling. “We talked to a few founders who were using Rippling,” he said. “The reputation it had was very good. From talking to the Sales team and then to other founders, I got enough validation that I could trust the system.”


An all-in-one system

For Varun, having everything in one single platform was a no-brainer.

“Imagine if G Suite was not G Suite and just Gmail,” he said. “Then you’d have a different vendor for calendar, a different vendor for Google Drive… You can do that. But the fact that it’s all connected makes it so much easier. It just works. That’s how I think about Rippling.”

Enterpret’s employees and contractors—both in India and the US—are all managed within Rippling, giving Varun a single source of truth for global employee data. Enterpret’s device management and IT security are also handled within Rippling.

In Varun’s words: “With Rippling, one thing connects my major business systems.”

“I can trust that our employees are getting paid on time, and our devices are secure,” he said. “And I don’t have to coordinate with 10 different vendors on 10 different things. No one has time for that. You end up overpaying, and the systems don’t talk to each other.”


Expanding from India to the US

Varun spearheaded Enterpret’s expansion from India to the US—he even moved to the US himself. When he relocated, he was able to put Rippling’s global features to the test, and was pleasantly surprised that it all took less than 15 minutes.

Varun needed to offboard himself as an employee based in India, and then re-onboard himself as a US-based employee. The prospect of all that paperwork was daunting: Varun was anticipating a mountain of tedious administrative work, and coordinating with several different stakeholders.

“I was dreading doing it, I was mentally prepared for 10-12 hours of work,” Varun said. “Before Rippling, I would have had to talk to my HR and Finance team in India to offboard myself from India. I would have had to ask our HR team in the US to set me up as a US employee, send the documentation, do the verification, set up my payroll, insurance, and all of that.”

“I sat down and changed myself into a Rippling US employee, did my I-9 verifications myself, and was able to set up insurance for myself and my wife,” Varun said. “I gave myself a start date, set up myself for payroll, and validated my payroll. I was able to do it for myself in 15 minutes—it was surprising and delightful, and inspirational,” said Varun.

Experiencing Rippling’s global functionality first-hand made Varun realize how Rippling could simplify Enterpret’s global expansion.

“Your time is your biggest resource,” emphasized Varun, “so the fact that I can offboard myself in India and onboard myself in the US in 15 minutes—and know that all my other applications are connected to Rippling as well—that to me was the ‘a-ha moment.’”

“As a founder of a company, that’s the experience I want my users to have.”

Before Rippling, I would have had to coordinate with seven different people in different time zones. But I was able to do it for myself in 15 minutes—it was surprising, delightful, and inspirational.

Varun Sharma

CEO at Enterpret


Time and headcount savings…

Before Rippling, Enterpret had been losing hours every week on routine HR and IT tasks, and on maintaining different disconnected systems.

“It adds up to a very significant amount of company time, which can be better allocated to serving your customers and growing the business—not just making sure the system is working properly,” Varun said.

“Rippling just works,” he said. “It has the compounding benefit of efficiency and time of all these workflows, which every company has to do.”

Not only does having a single platform save money and time, it also saves headspace. As Varun put it: “I don’t have to spend mental bandwidth on monitoring yet another system.”


….that increase as your company scales

Enterpret plans to expand more in India, and is also looking ahead to further global expansion—with Rippling supporting every step of the way.

“Being able to hire, and hire employees in compliance with local laws anywhere in the world, make sure they’re getting paid, and give them benefits…that is going to be a big way Rippling can support Enterpret as it scales,” said Varun. 

And, as every growing business knows, it’s crucial to iron out time-wasting processes before you move into hypergrowth.

“If Rippling can be in one place, with the right amount of controls, that’s very powerful,” Varun said. “That gives you a big competitive edge.”

With Rippling, one thing connects my major business systems. I can trust that our employees are getting paid on time, our devices are secure, and I don’t have to coordinate with 10 different vendors on 10 different things.

Varun Sharma

CEO at Enterpret

The Impact

  • Time saved: Varun’s first crack at onboarding in the US took 40x quicker than he first anticipated—thanks to Rippling automations.
  • Headcount spared: Rippling saved Enterpret from making one full-time administrative IT hire.
  • A single source of truth: Enterpret now has one unified platform to manage IT and HR processes for employees and contractors—sparing stress and saving time. 

See Rippling in action

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