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Customer Spotlight

In a volatile industry, Compass Mining finds stability with Rippling PEO, saving hundreds of hours each year


HR headcount—thanks to Rippling


clicks to onboard new employees


hours saved per year on payroll processing


100% remote





The Challenge

Before adopting Rippling, Compass Mining got by with a tangle of spreadsheets, attorneys, and outside support for their HR needs. Jen Szymczak, their Director of People, had only ever used Gusto and Workday. For a startup in a rapidly evolving industry, Rippling turned out to be the game- changer they were looking for.

The Outcome

Rippling PEO has proven crucial to Compass Mining’s operations, especially during a crypto winter. They’re able to stay lean, efficient, and reduce costs. Meanwhile, Jen couldn’t be happier with the ease and simplicity of day-to-day functions with Rippling, from 90-second onboarding to automated workflows and a global EOR.

Compass Mining’s mission is to make it possible for everyone to be able to mine Bitcoin, with Compass’s co-founders sharing a passion for cryptocurrency and a vision for helping more people learn, explore, and mine Bitcoin.

Rippling has been with Compass Mining since its early days and has met their changing needs, enabling them to maintain a lean people operations team, attract and retain talent, and seamlessly integrate a global workforce. 

The word that Jen Syzmczack, Compass’s Director of People, uses the most to describe her experience with Rippling? “Amazing.” 

“With employees, it takes about 90 seconds [to onboard]—they are in and out—and I get an email saying it’s all complete. How amazing is that?”

Life before and after Rippling at Compass Mining couldn’t be more different. At the burgeoning startup, HR was initially managed through homemade spreadsheets and tax compliance advice from an attorney. Today, as a Rippling PEO customer, Compass Mining enjoys Rippling’s “automation, getting everything in one place, and getting rid of multiple systems,” Director of People Jen Syzmczack reports.

“We're an HR team of one,” she says, “with effort coming from our Finance team to help with Payroll and Benefits. But, I couldn't imagine if all of this was manual or outsourced. The compliance standpoint alone, handling taxes and local legalities—we would need to have a whole team! We are saving a lot of money by using Rippling and the PEO.”

Hiring and onboarding with a few quick clicks

Jen is effusive when it comes to Rippling’s onboarding process: “Hiring takes like 10 clicks total. It’s absolutely fantastic. It's user friendly—once you've done it a couple of times, you know exactly the questions to anticipate. Even when Rippling makes an update or changes things, it's always for the better and makes things even simpler.”

She also loves “having everything integrated with DocuSign for signatures and storing all of the documents that we need. Everything is saved and easy to pull, especially when it comes to reporting. 90 seconds? I would say it’s even faster than that.”

Automation for all

With Compass Mining’s dedication to bringing cutting-edge blockchain technology to the masses, it seems only natural that their HR system should be as automated as possible. Jen sings the praises of automated workflows and all the time (and money) saved. 

“The first thing that I can’t live without is automation,” she says. Compass Mining takes advantage of the more than 1,000 out-of-the-box automations that Rippling offers, as well as the custom workflows they create with Workflow Studio. They’ve implemented alerts for compensation increases, created approval workflows, and set up notifications for lengthy PTO requests. 

“With onboarding, everything prior to Rippling was a spreadsheet and a checklist,” Jen recalls. “Now we put everything into Rippling and we’re good to go.”

An incomparable Learning Management System

Rippling’s Learning Management System (LMS) is now integral to Compass Mining’s training and operations. “Rippling’s LMS is hard to compare,” Jen says. “I really like it. As a company, having all of the right courses at your fingertips and automatically assigning it to the right people . . . the system knows who needs which training at the role level.”

And Compass Mining is just getting started with what Rippling’s LMS can help them accomplish. Jen says, “We can go deeper on the trainings. In addition to the compliance aspects, we are going to roll out professional development and continuous education. Crafting specific training plans for each department and finding the growth opportunities for people—like new people leaders who have no management experience—giving them courses to take prior to managing people.”

A truly global EOR

Compass Mining is not only fully remote—it’s also multinational, and has been since its founding. With a key team member in Ireland, they initially had to form a separate Irish entity just to get them paid. Now, Rippling is making life a whole lot simpler for everyone involved. 

“It was a ton of work—we had to get a local payroll company and tax experts,” Jen says of their original setup. But now? “We no longer have to pay team members through a separate entity. Moving that over to Rippling gives us one less thing to worry about.”

The whole package

These days, Jen’s main focus is making sure that Compass’s benefits and compensation are competitive enough to retain talent. And she has an ace in the hole to accomplish that: Rippling. 

Her experience with Rippling’s PEO? “Amazing. Everything about it. From working with the team at Rippling to help us understand the value in benefit packages we would be bringing to our team—cost savings analysis, what are we missing, and what’s out there in the market that we should be thinking about— Rippling brings all of that to the table for us.”

See Rippling in action

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