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Vcheck reimburses employees in a fraction of the time with Rippling

1 minute read

Vcheck’s employees often need to make job-related purchases on the company’s dime. But no-strings-attached corporate credit cards were vulnerable to misuse, and the company’s drawn-out process for reimbursing personal expenses drained valuable time. Once the CFO implemented Rippling Spend, Vcheck gained more control over employee spend while spending less time running payroll.


time spent administering corporate credit cards to new employees since Rippling automates the process during onboarding


minutes to build customizable, ready-to-share reports tracking monthly employee spend


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about the company

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Pain Points

Vcheck gave corporate credit cards to investigators, but couldn’t set controls for which vendors they could use them for

The firm’s finance team had to manually submit personal reimbursements for employees’ expenses to run payroll

The company drained time chasing down the right department heads for expense reimbursement approvals

Vcheck’s former spend management solution was disconnected from the rest of its HR tools. Manually inputting data and being unable to build customizable reports on vendor transactions slowed the company down when it wanted to scale.

The Challenge

Vcheck employs 75 full-time investigators to extensively screen companies and individuals, so clients know who they’re doing business with before making any important transactions. To do their jobs, these investigators often need to purchase court documents and other public records on Vcheck’s dime. 

“Before, we had every single person in the company walking around with a physical credit card. That’s really dangerous,” said Sean English, Vcheck’s CFO. “Our control structure is important to me, knowing who can access what.” He wanted to assign different spending permissions to credit cards for different roles—something his last finance tool, Divvy (now Bill), couldn’t do. 

English also wanted a tool that had a dedicated reimbursement platform for expenses made from employees’ personal accounts. With Divvy, Vcheck’s finance team had to submit reimbursements over email and then upload them into a separate HR system to process payroll. 

Overall, Vcheck sought a more customizable spend management solution that integrated with their HR data—all while giving the company more visibility into employee expenses.

Vcheck already used Rippling as its HR system. In 2023, the company added Rippling Spend to its tech stack, gaining more control over employee spending and automating once-cumbersome tasks to save time.


Virtual credit cards tailored to employees’ spending needs

Unlike before, Rippling allowed Vcheck’s finance team to set customized restrictions on the types of purchases employees could make depending on their role and enable spending limits predetermined by different departments. For instance, while a sales executive could bill travel expenses on their corporate card, an investigator’s card gets restricted to smaller-ticket public records searches. Transactions get declined if employees try to use their cards for restricted purposes.


Automated expense reimbursements

Vcheck also teed up Rippling automations for personal account reimbursements. Instead of the manual emailing process they used before, Rippling automatically routes reimbursement approvals to an employee’s manager and, if approved, incorporates it into the next pay run.


High-visibility spend reports, ready to share in minutes

Sean also appreciates that Rippling Spend gives his team a detailed look at employee spend by vendor, allowing them to customize expense categories instead of relying on default settings. “Now when we book credit card transactions, I can put them in our ledger in the right spot and trend the information in the right way,” he said. The finance team can also build reports tracking monthly expenses, which are often ready to distribute to managers in as little as 20 minutes. After a quick, one-time setup, these reports are infinitely reusable; users can refresh data with new dates to keep up-to-date track of employee spend.

The Impact

  • Fewer credit cards: English reduced the number of corporate credit cards he administered, instead relying on the streamlined personal reimbursement process through Rippling Spend. 
  • Time saved running payroll: Vcheck saved an hour of work on administrative tasks every pay run. “As we scale, it could become two, three, or four hours,” English said. 
  • Automatic card distribution: Vcheck’s finance team saved additional time by setting up Rippling to automatically issue corporate credit cards to eligible new employees as soon as they onboard, a never-ending process when handled manually. 
  • Tight integration: Employee data is now enmeshed into every Vcheck process. “The fact that we can link permissions to our Rippling data structure and centralize it around who people report to and what department they're located in a way that's all driven from employee data in an updated system is very helpful, rather than trying to integrate to another expense platform.”

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