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QLE enrolment completed notification

When an employee completes their qualifying life event (QLE) enrolment, send a notification to the Insurance admin.

How to track when employees complete QLE enrolment

With Rippling’s Workflow Automator, you can automatically trigger a notification to your Insurance team when an employee completes their qualifying life event (QLE) enrolment.

What do you need?

Rippling HRIS

Rippling Benefits

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Recipe Overview

When an employee experiences a qualifying life event (QLE), they become eligible to make changes to their current benefit plans.

But because these changes happen outside of the company’s regular enrolment window, employees may need to take the extra step to get in touch and let them know.

With this Recipe, you can automate that notice instead. When an employee completes their QLE enrolment, Rippling will automatically send a notification to the Insurance admin to let them know.

Want to add more employee details to your notification? As with all of our workflow Recipes, you can customise this template to your exact needs, including when it should trigger, what the action should be, who it should go to and more.

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