Device offline for extended period alert
When an employee’s device hasn’t pinged in 3 days and they’re not on leave, send an alert to their manager.
When this happens
Employee’s device offline for extended period

Then do this
Send a notification to an employee, manager, admin, department, or team
How to alert managers of offline devices
With Rippling’s Workflow Automator, you can automatically trigger an alert to a manager when an employee’s device has been offline for an extended period of time while that employee is not on leave.
What do you need?
Rippling HRIS
Rippling Device Management
Recipe Overview
Keeping track of where employees are and how they’re working is becoming increasingly challenging as companies start moving towards a remote or hybrid style of work.
That poses a dilemma for IT Security teams, who now have little control or oversight on the devices that an employee is using to access their company’s systems, now that they’re home and within easy access of their personal, unsecured devices. And for managers as well, who want to give their employees the freedom to work flexibly, but want to ensure that they’re working as they should be.
With this Recipe, you’ll be able to have some insight into your employees' device activity. When an employee’s work device has not pinged in 3 days, and they aren’t on scheduled leave, Rippling will automatically send a notification to their manager, alerting them to the unusual behaviour.
3 days not long enough? As with all our workflow Recipes, you can customise this template to your exact needs, including when it should trigger, what the actions should be, who it should go to, and more.
This recipe helps with
Functions that use this recipe
Companies that use this recipe
How to alert managers of offline devices
With Rippling’s Workflow Automator, you can automatically trigger an alert to a manager when an employee’s device has been offline for an extended period of time while that employee is not on leave.
What do you need?
Rippling HRIS
Rippling Device Management
Similar Recipes
Device Management