Rethinking the problem: Why this HR expert calls Rippling a trailblazer


Oct 24, 2023

At Rippling, we understand employee information is critical to a wide array of business systems, even those beyond HR. 

Industry analysts who deeply understand the HR industry also recognize this. In fact, on Sunday’s podcast, Josh Bersin called Rippling a trailblazer, and said Rippling is “an architectural pioneer” because we believe “the HR platform shouldn't really be limited to HR.”

It's extremely challenging for companies to manage company data and keep it consistent when it's scattered across disparate, siloed systems. Companies end up spending too much money on too many pieces of software—and wind up wasting countless hours on mundane tasks that can easily be automated or eliminated.

Rippling addresses this issue by providing companies and their employees with a unified system of record—so when you make an update in one app, it automatically syncs across all connected systems. When all your information is in one place, it gives every team a shared source of truth, the power to automate tasks, and access to the insights they need, so you can accelerate business execution and run more efficiently. 

This core thesis is why Rippling is built different.

What Rippling did is they said, well, maybe we should really think of the HCM platform as if it's the of the entire company.

Josh Bersin, Founder of Bersin & Associates

“And so they've architected the system so that it not only does most of the HR things you need, but it has an open API and a set of workflows, so you can add other applications to it using the HR data,” Josh Bersin said. 

“You can add time tracking, you can add expense management, you can add IT provisioning…I give them credit for rethinking the problem. It's a subtle difference between Rippling and the traditional HCM platforms, but it's not trivial. It's actually a pretty big differentiation.”

By consolidating all employee data and systems into one platform, Rippling allows customers to execute their plans and achieve their goals faster and more efficiently than their competitors.

Josh Bersin’s podcast is worth a listen as he clearly articulates why other systems were built around, as he calls it, an "old-fashioned idea."

If you’re interested in learning more about Rippling and our unique approach, schedule a demo to speak with an expert.

last edited: March 26, 2024


The Rippling Team

Global HR, IT, and Finance know-how directly from the Rippling team.