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NuvoAir doubled its global workforce while reducing onboarding time

NuvoAir used separate systems to manage employees across both continents, relying on manual intervention (like spreadsheets) to gather disparate workforce data. Since using Rippling, NuvoAir has gained 40 new employees, quadrupled its engineering staff, and shrank onboarding times from weeks to days.


reduction in onboarding time


cost savings when switching Canadian employees to Rippling


United States





about the company

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Pain Points

Scattered systems: Hit snags managing different employees across different payroll systems, draining time manually updating workforce data in spreadsheets

Canada EOR issues: NuvoAir’s previous EOR solution for its Canadian workforce was slow to onboard new employees and make requested payroll changes. 

Global scaling issues: NuvoAir wanted to expand into the North American healthcare market (and elsewhere globally) without bloating its admin staff. 

The Challenge

NuvoAir was founded in Stockholm, Sweden but sought to break into the North American healthcare market. Expansion meant hiring more US and Canadian employees, which initially involved dealing with a hodgepodge of payroll and employee management tools that weren’t cohesive.

“We had people on Gusto and then on a different payroll software in Europe,” said Val Anselmi, NuvoAir’s People Ops Specialist, before adding that she manually updated spreadsheets to corral her team’s data, which was spread across multiple systems. “We used Google Drive to store documents. It was very scrappy.”

NuvoAir hired its first Canadian employees through an EOR provider, but grew frustrated with its limitations, including glacial onboarding times. According to Val, the whole process happened over email and there could be a hold-up at every step. She spent longer than she wanted waiting to get employee agreements, approve them, and get new hires to sign them. “Because there’s so much back and forth, they tell you to plan at least two weeks for onboarding,” she said.

Val also had to submit a ticket with support to make any changes to employee data or payroll, such as when supervisors gave raises. She often waited five to seven business days to get any changes approved. “We had no visibility whatsoever in terms of payroll changes,” she said.

As NuvoAir scaled, its People Ops Specialist sought a single source of truth for her global team—without bloating its administrative staff.

NuvoAir first started using Rippling in 2021, when the company wanted a PEO for its US employees to replace its existing system, Gusto. Once they implemented it, they realized it was also the perfect HR platform for their European and Canadian employees, so they switched them over, too. 


Managing all employees under the same roof

With Rippling, NuvoAir’s entire global workforce receives offer letters, completes training, and requests time off through a single software solution.

“We use Rippling as a centralized source of truth so that we can keep track of everyone’s compensation, onboarding, and offboarding information,” Val said. “We love to have everyone in one spot instead of across different software. It’s so much better than other systems. Even just for benefits and compensation, there’s so much visibility Rippling offers that other companies don’t.”

Val appreciates that Rippling allows her to store data on her employees’ profiles, enroll them in benefits, send updated documents, sync their time off with their managers, and more. She also said NuvoAir’s employees prefer using Rippling for all HR functions—from onboarding to offboarding—instead of constantly toggling between platforms.


A better solution for Canadian employees

The second Val heard Rippling launched its EOR service, NuvoAir switched all its Canadian EOR employees over to Rippling. The company immediately saved on costs by paying only two-thirds of the price, all while gaining more control over payroll changes and reducing onboarding times by 90%. With NuvoAir’s Canadian employees managed and paid through Rippling EOR, “It feels way more like they’re part of the same company, versus having them on another platform,” Val said. “From a software and benefit perspective, they just go through the same workflow that everyone else goes through.”

Val said it takes 20 to 30 minutes to go through the Rippling onboarding workflow. Including getting the new hire to sign an offer letter, she can typically wrap up onboarding within two days.

I don’t feel the difference between when I hire a global employee through Rippling EOR versus when I hire them directly in the US.

Val Anselmi

People Ops Specialist at NuvoAir


Global expansion, without a bloated HR staff

Before using Rippling products, NuvoAir had 35 employees. Since switching to Rippling, the staff has grown to 75, with a workforce spread throughout Europe and North America. The company also followed through on its aim to expand into the US healthcare market, switching its headquarters from Stockholm to Boston. It also quadrupled its engineering staff. 

And NuvoAir did it all while maintaining a lean, two-person HR staff.

Val said that Rippling lets her team automate processes instead of hiring more HR employees, helping the company save money and focus on scaling its business. By using Rippling PEO and EOR, the company offloads complicated HR tasks related to compliance, benefits administration, payroll, and taxes in most of the countries where NuvoAir employees live.


High-visibility reports and custom workflows 

NuvoAir’s HR and finance teams use Rippling’s deep well of features to save time and make smart, data-backed decisions. Using Rippling’s reports, HR gives metrics to the board once a month on headcount,attrition rate, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives.

The company also uses custom fields to track employees’ dietary restrictions for in-person events, emergency contacts, work equipment preferences, and equity grants (which became a lot easier after ditching manual spreadsheets).

Rippling looks like an HR software designed to make HR people’s lives 10 times easier. It saves a huge amount of time.

Val Anselmi

People Ops Specialist at NuvoAir

Val also appreciates Rippling’s finer details that speed up her workday. She likes how time-off requests automatically appear as invites on managers’ calendars, so they know when people are on vacation. She also likes how she can instantly find an employee’s tenure on their profile.

The Impact

  • Quicker onboarding: Now free from a tedious manual onboarding process, NuvoAir gets new hires up and running in 90% less time. 
  • Costs saved: In addition to faster, easier processes, NuvoAir enjoyed 33% cost savings when switching Canadian employees to Rippling’s EOR. 
  • Lean global growth: NuvoAir hired 40 more employees globally—doubling its workforce—while maintaining a two-person HR team.

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