Meet the Ripplers: How Brandon helps customers succeed, and spreads the love to those in need


Apr 4, 2022

Name: Brandon Simmons
Role: Scaled Customer Success Manager 
Location: San Diego
Rippler since: 2021

Role + Responsibilities 

The Customer Success Manager (CSM) role at Rippling focuses on the growth and success of our clients. As CSMs we’re responsible for conducting renewal conversations, providing product demos, providing new admin training, managing client escalations, and overall helping our clients align their business challenges with Rippling solutions.

This Rippler’s Journey 

Because I have a small business of my own, Rippling’s mission of “freeing smart people to work on hard problems” really resonated with me. It’s rewarding to help small businesses grow and to be a part of their success. 

And the journey has been great so far! Since my first day at Rippling, I’ve felt an overwhelming sense of support from my team. This is one of the things that makes Rippling so special and sets it apart from other companies. 

You join as a newbie, not knowing a ton, but because you have so much support from your teammates, you become a seasoned member of the team quickly, and then you’re able to turn around and reciprocate that same level of support to the new hires. I think the biggest thing I’ve seen here, as cliché as it may be, is people supporting others like they were supported. 

Because I have a small business of my own, Rippling’s mission of “freeing smart people to work on hard problems” really resonated with me. It’s rewarding to help small businesses grow and to be a part of their success.

Memorable Rippling moments 

One of my favorite memories has to be learning about the #ppl-blackish Slack channel (for black employees at Rippling). Having a place to go where there are people who share a similar experience in this country is so important. This channel is just one way I see how much community and culture are valued here at Rippling. 

Another memory was a fireside chat we had around Asian hate. Although a new employee at the time, I spoke about my solidarity with the AAPI community. After the meeting, I got a flood of messages from colleagues who appreciated what I said. It’s a memory that stuck with me because we were given that time and space to have such a conversation during the workday, and it felt like we had each other’s back.

Work + Life

The CSM management team is the best out there! It's always said that we as CSMs are the “CEOs of our book of business.” Because our management team has so much trust that we will handle our business, we have the flexibility to focus on work-life balance. They encourage us to log off early if we can, take a walk in the middle of the day, take time off, etc. The trust part is huge, as none of this works without trust.

Since my first day at Rippling, I’ve felt an overwhelming sense of support from my team. This is one of the things that makes Rippling so special and sets it apart from other companies.

As I mentioned earlier, helping with small businesses is what's most meaningful. It's also nice to see that all small businesses struggle with payroll, filing taxes, etc. Having a business of my own, I know it can be challenging doing all this with a small team.  

 Brandon hands out water with Feed Love

When I’m not helping Rippling customers…  

I founded and run a small business called Feed Love. It’s a clothing brand focused on community and the spreading of love. We believe that the smallest amount of love shared with someone has the potential to spark a chain reaction that can change the world!

Our success isn’t measured by the number of t-shirts or hoodies we sell, but rather by the number of people we are able to serve. Shirley Chisholm has a quote we often like to reference and it states, “Service is the rent we pay for the privilege of living on this earth.” We try to approach everything we do with that mindset. 

Once a quarter, we host an event called Feed Our People San Diego where Feed Love joins other organizations to provide mutual aid to the houseless population of San Diego. We provide hot meals, snacks, clothing, hygienic products, hair cuts, and most of all love. Our partners are local organizations and businesses: Willie Wingz, Myjeal's Soul & Continental, Average Joe's Burgers, Custom Cuts by Natalye, Huey's Chicken, OnFlight Co., R&B Eatz, The Hemp Attic, Vslay, We Stand United SD, Celebrity Entertainment, B2Cleann, and Heavy Pocketz.

Aside from service we also have an activism side where we fight for justice and equal rights. During the summer of 2021, we conducted a protest called The People's Rally which was a protest of solidarity between Black, brown, Asian, and white allies for justice. 

And most recently we collaborated with a grassroots organization called Af3irm to fight against the global sex trade.

The People's Rally 2021

It’s not always super easy, but I usually work on Feed Love at night and on the weekends. A lot of the stuff I deal with at work helps me with my business. I also get a ton of support internally, I’ve had colleagues post about new releases and have gotten a good amount of sales from Rippling teammates. 

Tips for future Ripplers 

Rippling is a great place if you’re looking to be around great people, help great people and their business, grow your career, and become an overall better person. 

Rippling is growing! We need people to help build the next generation of our Unified Workforce Platform. Join us.

last edited: September 5, 2024


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