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Device inventory report template

Report on and view details of all your devices unused or underutilized devices.

How to identify devices with unused software licences

With Rippling’s “Device Usage & Inventory Report,” you can report on and view a list of your employees and the applications they have access to.

What do you need?

Rippling HRIS

Rippling Device Management

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Recipe Overview

For IT admins, it’s important to be able to stay on top of all the devices in your organization, like knowing who in the organization a computer was assigned to, what the serial number is, how old the computer is and more.

That way they have the information they need to facilitate things like offboarding an employee and ensuring they’ve returned all the devices they’re meant to. Or knowing when an employee is eligible for a new, upgraded device.

With this Recipe, you’ll be able to view a list of all your devices, along with their key attributes like serial number, OS, the employee they’re assigned to and more. That way, it’s easy for IT admins to stay on track of their entire device inventory.

Want to include employee tenure in your report? As with all our report Recipes, you can customize this template with additional data, filters, grouping and more to help you answer your specific questions.

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