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Submit timesheet reminder

When the deadline for employees to submit their timesheet is approaching, send a notification to employees who haven’t submitted them yet.

When this happens

Deadline to submit timesheet is approaching

Then do this

Send a notification to an employee, manager, admin, department, or team

How to remind employees to submit their timesheet

With Rippling’s Workflow Automator, you can automatically trigger a reminder to employees who have not turned in their timesheets.

What do you need?

Rippling Payroll

Rippling Time & Attendance

Use Recipe Template

Recipe Overview

A late or missing timesheet can cause a lot of pain for your payroll team. Not only does it slow the pay run down, but it’s a painful process to try to track and follow up with the employee behind the missing timesheet – assuming they can reach them at all.

But most of the time, these missed deadlines are due to forgetfulness on an employee’s part, rather than an actual intent not to submit their hours – which means, a little bit of early follow up could go a long way towards saving your payroll team a lot of time and effort.

With this Recipe, you can keep your pay run on track with by being proactive. When the deadline for employees to submit their timesheets is approaching, Rippling will automatically send a reminder to those employees that haven’t turned their time cards in yet, urging them to do so before the deadline.

Want to provide reminders on multiple channels? As with all our workflow Recipes, you can customise this template to your exact needs, including when it should trigger, what the action should be, who it should go to, and more.

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