Insurance enrollment report template
Report on and view your employees’ benefits enrollment details.

How to track employees’ insurance enrollment
With Rippling’s ‘Insurance Enrollment Report’, you can report on and view your employees’ benefits enrollment details.
What do you need?
Rippling HRIS
Rippling Benefits
Recipe Overview
For HR teams and benefits administrators, it’s important to have a reliable, single source of truth when it comes to benefits enrollment in their organization.
Not only do they provide a company with an understanding of who is enrolled in the company’s benefits plans and the type of benefits elected, but also company-level insights like the costs for the business associated with offering each employee’s benefits.
An added bonus of having up-to-date insurance enrollment reports is that it also makes it easier for administrators to provide quick, helpful answers when employees have questions around their plans or contributions—which they inevitably will.
With this Recipe, you’ll be able to view a list of your employees and their benefits enrollment, including the overall cost and deductions for the current enrollment period. That way, you have what you need to keep track of your company's benefits enrollments and support your employees with any information they need.
Want to add more employee information to your report? As with all our report Recipes, you can customize this template with additional data, filters, grouping, and more to help you answer your specific questions.
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Companies that use this recipe
How to track employees’ insurance enrollment
With Rippling’s ‘Insurance Enrollment Report’, you can report on and view your employees’ benefits enrollment details.
What do you need?
Rippling HRIS
Rippling Benefits
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